Kadak Singh
- Genre: Drama
AK Srivastava, also referred to as Kadak Singh by his children due to his strict nature, is an officer of the Department of Financial Crimes. He finds himself in a hospital, diagnosed with retrograde amnesia, enabling him only to remember certain things from the past. He has to back on four stories about how he landed in the hospital, including stories from his daughter – Sakshi, his trusted junior – Arjun, his girlfriend – Naina and his boss – Tyagi. Srivastava separates fact from fiction with the help of a nurse in the hospital to find out what led him there and that eventually also helps him solve a huge money fraud that has shaken the nation.
Directed by: Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury
Starring by: Pankaj Tripathi, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Jaya Ahsan
Genres: Drama
Country: India
Language: Hindi